Using Restrict Content Pro with WPGraphQL

With the latest minor release of WPGraphQL comes the Model Layer – a much cleaner way to interact with post objects before they’re sent down the pipe to the client. I use Restrict Content Pro (RCP) to handle membership levels and appropriately restrict visibility of posts to users. Previously, I was hooking into the WP …

FTP upload all recently modified files

I’ve been doing some development on a WordPress site recently. Due to limitations of the hosting environment, deploying from git is not an option – I have had to FTP the changed files to the staging server to test my changes. Since I don’t know PHP I am redeploying files repeatedly with minor fixes. To …

Self Elevating PowerShell cmdlet

Sometimes you need to run a script as an administrator. It’s a simple enough process to start an Administrator PowerShell window, but you still need to navigate to the path required etc etc. Since there isn’t a simple sudo command for PowerShell one way to handle the permissions is to use a self-elevating script. [code language=”powershell”] …